Invitation to Talks and Discussions of the Appeals Committee for a Professorship in Computational Condensed-Matter Theory at the 9th, 10th and 11th of June
Important: This committee will take place as an online session. Therefore, we need to get an agreement of confidentiality. You will find more information below this post.
What are Appointing Committees?
Appointing Committees are Commissions made up by professors, scientific staff and students. It has the goal to find the best candidate for a professorship.
This Committee
This Committee is to find a candidate for a professorship about Computational Condensed-Matter Theory and will be part of the clusters of excellence. We have already reduced the list of candidates. Now we want to single out the best one.
Now, it’s your turn: We want to invite you to the public talks and discussions on Tuesday, the 9th, Wednesday, the 10th and Thursday, the 11th of June.
For students we have special discussions with the candidates. This dialogue is meant to be about methods and experience with teaching of the candidates, but other topics are welcome. This is to ensure good attitude of the candidate towards teaching.
Topics for the scientific talks:
– Candidate A: Designing electronic phases at oxide interfaces for electronics, spintronics and energy applications
– Candidate B: Complexity, Correlations and Atomic-Scale Control in Quantum Materials
– Candidate C: The d-wave paradigm of unconventional superconductors
– Candidate D: Quantum embedding theories in the non-equilibrium domain and Light-induced control of quantum matter out of equilibrium
– Candidate E: Discovering new phases of matter with unsupervised and interpretable machine learning
– Candidate F: Understanding emergent phenomena in strongly-correlated materials
– Candidate G: Correlated relativistic quasiparticles
– Candidate H: The computational challenges of building a topological quantum computer and Novel phases in driven quantum systems
The whole commission is in English.
We would love to see you there.
Yours Appointing Committee
Important: This committee will take place as an online session. Therefore, we need to get an agreement of confidentiality. You will find more information below this post.
Tuesday, the 9th of June
08:45 Candidate A
11:45 Candidate B
14:45 Candidate C
Wedenesday, the 10th of June
08:45 Candidate D
14:45 Candidate E
Thursday, the 11th of June
08:45 Candidate F
11:45 Candidate G
14:45 Candidate H
The sessions will be held with Zoom. To get access, you need to fill out and sign an agreement of confidentiality that you will find right below. Please send a signed copy to hans.behringer(at) and gabriel.bester(at) You will get the information to access afterwards.